Of veins and heartbeats.

If you want to be happy,


If you wanna be with someone,


Too little in this world is real,

Can’t you see?

Too long you’ve taken to heal,

Go, be free.

Kohl-lined eyes, Lips painted red,

Stereotypical vanity,

On the edge of a dangerous affair,

A clear surface, A turbulent sea.

Fiery veins, pounding heartbeats,

In the search of Normality,

the winds have changed and so have we,

If you want to be happy, won’t you be?

Ernest Hemingway once said, ‘Poor Faulkner, does he really think that big emotions come from big words?’

Sometimes our little words are best we can find. They are true-er than true.

NaPoWriMo-Day 4– A poem on the opposite of love.

*Photo copyrighted, leave it be.

Of Sonnets and Diversions.

Hello there! It’s day 3 of NaPoWriMo 2015 and you can find today’s prompt here. A Fourteener! How ever, today I’m going slightly off course with Amanda Torroni’s prompts instead. Her words are beautiful. Go have a look.

So my theme for today is to incorporate the line-‘ I never wrote a sonnet’ in my work. Consequently I looked up everything from the history of sonnets to a fourteener and now my head is filled with terms like Iambic heptameter and even my syllables are stressed. (Pun intended) -No don’t go away I’m done with the puns. (almost)

And so without further ado, Let me tell you about how…

I never wrote a sonnet,

But I read Shakespeare’s, they’re swell,

I also never wore a bonnet,

In old England, they’d have given me hell.

When I look back now,

Through history and time,

I wonder whence and how,

I got a fear of rhyme.

Beneath the veil of verses so obscure,

Is our wish to remain,

Of our memories secure,

our thoughts, drunk on champagne

Far be it from me to seem dreadfully ironic,

Never more shall I say, I never wrote a sonnet.

For those who may notice, yes that is a sonnet. Yes it is in the style of shakepeare. Yes, that is a dante reference. I couldn’t resist. See you tommorow!

It is, or isn’t it?

Hello readers,

I’m officially kickstarting the 2015 NaPoWriMo today. Wish me luck! have fun reading and remember to tell me what you think!

Day 1: A Poem on negation.

It’s not a ray of sunshine,

But then again who needs Vitamin D?

It can hardly be considered true and fair,

But there’s nothing grander a love affair.

Not very reasonable on the best of its days,

All too easily found on sunny beaches in bays.

For some it is most clandestine,

Ask Helen of Troy, she knows how it’s been.

Not a harbinger of peace that I can sing,

For this little feeling, swords did swing.

Yet were it not for love, and lust too or so I hear,

What in the world would we hold dear?

And so we are.

We are parts of things that make us.
The Sapphire Ring.
The Pink Necklace.
The Eclectic Colours.

We are what we take pride in.
The Charm.
The Elegance.
The Tempered Grace.

We are what we never knew we desired.
The Wish.
The Want.
The Love.

We are what we hope someone will someday comprehend.
The Passion.
The Kiss.
The Weird.

Above,Over and Beyond.

Dare to leap,my darling.
Dare to jump.
Dare to scream, my dear.
Dare to breathe.
Cut old threads.
Cross old bridges with new friends.
Get more than you ever hoped for.
Get more than you need.
Get more,more,more.
Get close, my darling.
Get hurt.

Do not let the pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

All we know.

Swimming in circles.
Currents all around.
Pulling you under.
Throwing you ashore.
The whims and fancies of the sisters of Fate.
Spinning the loom,entangling the threads.
But wait a moment, darling.
For you.
You are lovely, and whole.
Cracked and Complete.
Both, yours and your lover’s.
But the soul’s first.
Inspired by
“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!” And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.”
-Iain Thomas.

Bleed a little. Then a little more.

Darling, you’re in my veins.
I thought you knew.
You’re my midnight conversation,
With the stars and the cold North wind.
I thought I told you.
You,simply put, are important.
But now you’re why my smile falters.
I stopped thinking when I kissed you.
I keep thinking you already know.
I keep thinking I’ve sent you letters that were only ever written in my mind.

Inspired my Iain Thomas.
Last two lines are his work.


There are galaxies inside of me.
Maps on my skin and bones.
Secrets in the hollows of ribs.
Starlight in my words and tones.

Chaos in the crook of my neck.
Moondust splatters from broken dreams and hopes.
Like sunset on a sinking ship’s deck.
Forgotten, not alone.

Will you hold me,my dear?
Just until dawn.
When reason collides with soul,
Be gone.

Someday the demons will silence,
When your name drops in a content sigh from my bruised lips.
Until then, unknown love,
I’ll wait.

Inspired by the words of Christopher Poindexter.

And she tucked herself
away in a corner,
quiet and foreign
to the crowd around her
and all that kept racing
through my head
is that the best kind
of beauty is the
kind that is mostly
― Christopher Poindexter

Dance with Me.

Dancing to our own tune by the fairy lights,
Close enough to feel your chest move when you breathe.
This is my reprieve from the world.
Another dance, back and forth this time,
Between eyes and lips,
Hands and touch.
This is rejecting the rest of the world.
A dance most primal,
Since ages long forgotten,
Between gasps and sighs and Euphoria.
This makes you irrevocably mine, part of my world.