Without or Within?

The daily Prompt-March 16-<a href=" Places“>Places

“As long as you feel safe in your skin, you will always have a place to call home.”
But sometimes,especially when you’re growing and changing, a safe place isn’t under your skin.

Places have the power to evoke memories, even long after the people we shared them with are gone.
Sometimes you’ll find yourself walking down familiar roads in search of the person you used to be with them.
But change is good and memories always did have a habit of glowing brighter in retrospect.

Places give you an escape from life.
Whether it’s a out of the way, hole in the wall cafe or a the floor of the classics section in a bookstore.
It’s where dreams grow bolder and hearts grow stronger.

Blue waters and sunny skies always did have their charm,
but have you ever noticed how windows in a second-hand bookstore refract a rainbow onto the ceilings?

Forest trails and wispy clouds , you say? I can hear you sigh, wanting to get away…
But look, are those lovebirds nesting in the tree just there?

Everywhere around you are stories, just waiting to be noticed, waiting to be told.
I know because I once played peek-a-boo with a kitten hiding behind a pillar on the footpath.

Curiosity leads to the most amazing things,
Like the time I met a puppy, and she fell into a pond, looking for fishes.
She’s five years old now and curled up on my bed.

Our memories are linked inextricably to places.
What’s your favourite memory?

Bad Reputation.


~I got a bad reputation,
      We got ourselves a bad situation.~Haley Bonar(Bad Reputation)

Today I have something to say to all of you, but especially to three people who are more amazing than they will ever realize.
So far, on this blog, we’ve seen a lot of angst and let’s be honest, there’s probably more to come. But not today.

Today is for happiness, and a good book, and cup of tea.
Today is for hugs and laughter and silly jokes.
Today is for you.

When Life gives you Lemons by Sanjana18

For you I have the words of Iain Thomas-
“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!” And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.”

Today is also for cuddles with a dog. And squishy hugs. And pride and prejudice viewing.
Today is for taking a break.
Today is for you.

Constance and change by rhapsodiesofmymind

For you, I have my own words,
‘You are more than the sum of your parts.
More than the worries that plague you.
More than the things that pull you down.
You are more my love.
You are sunshine and shade.
You are enough.’

Today is for Potter love. And John Green love. And Game of Thrones love.
Today is for being unapologetic in who you are.
Today is you.

Empire of Dirt by Dreamyworldofthesleepygirl

For you I have Albert Einstein-
Because the only thing you absolutely need to know is the location of the Library.

So it’s time to be happy.
If not, well I suppose we’ll just have to have cake.